As part of our #AtHome with the British Council programme, we are organising a series of Higher Education dialogues which will help you connect with colleagues from around the world and share your experience.
This week we are discussing ‘How can universities support their academic staff?’ The swift move to online teaching revealed skills gaps of the teachers. More so, than ever before Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for academic staff must remain a focus of universities since it will not only enable them to rise to the current challenge but also prepare them for the future. Join us in this session where we will explore guidance of online professional development of academic staff, tools and resources in the current climate to support them including time management and wellbeing.
Covid-19 has had a significant impact on universities across the world. Higher Education institutions had to respond to the pandemic very quickly. During this session we will bring together sector experts to discuss supporting academic staff.
About the speakers
Prof. Helen Higson OBE DL - Provost and Deputy Vice Chancellor (Education), Aston University. Helen is Chief Academic Officer and leading on the implementation and delivery of the University’s academic strategy. Helen is a National Teaching Fellow (NTF). Her current research includes intercultural training, employability competencies and diversity.
Prof. Tracy Lightfoot - Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor Teaching, Learning and Students, University of York. Tracy is providing strategic leadership for the planning, development and delivery of a portfolio of innovative new teaching initiatives including alternative credentials, online learning and apprenticeships, as well as oversight of the masters education.
Prof. Richard John Last - Vice-Chancellor & CEO, Norwich University of the Arts (NUA). John studied at the Universities of Sussex and Leeds and has had a career in specialist arts higher education for over 25 years. He has been CEO at NUA since 2009 and is the current Chair of the United Kingdom Arts and Design Institutions Association (ukadia), a group representing UK specialist colleges and universities of arts and drama.
Prof. Maia Rogava – Head of the Centre for Academic Writing, Ilia State University (Georgia). Maia is certified teacher of English for General and Specific Purposes (ESP), as well as an internationally qualified teacher trainer and mentor. She has been teaching English for more than 30 years, developing and delivering ESP programmes and teaching Cambridge examination classes.
Moderator Simon Etherton - Future English Programme Director, British Council in the Wider Europe region. He has been engaged in teacher education for over 30 years in contexts as diverse as the UK, Ukraine, India, Oman, Europe and the South Pacific.
Once a week, every week, Higher Education professionals will be brought together to exchange knowledge and ideas on different topics. Come back and tune in to find out more. This series is free of charge.