Enhancing Mentoring Skills
Enhancing Mentoring Skills
Thursday 05 March 2015 - 00:00 to Friday 06 March 2015 - 00:00
Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana

Enhancing Mentoring Skills

British Council continues to support Continuous Professional Development opportunities for English Language Teachers in Turkey.

In collaboration with Çukurova Üniversity, we are organising a symposium and in-service training on Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for ELT professionals involved in mentoring student-teachers during their pre-service education. 

The event will take place on 5-6 March, 2015 at Akif Kansu Conference Hall in Çukurova University, Adana, Turkey.

The theme of the program will be: Enhancing Mentoring Skills: Creating a Synergy between Pre-Service and In-Service Teacher Education Programs in English Language Teaching.

We aim to have a combination of plenaries with follow up discussions, workshops for enhancing ELT teachers’ mentoring skills, and a panel at the end of the event.

With this symposium and in-service training, we aim to bridge the gap between INSETT and PRESETT programs in English Language Teaching and enhance ELT teachers’ mentoring skills. We also aim to come up with recommendations and suggestions for future policy dialogues and practices.

Please find the detailed programme here

Please contact the conference committee for any questions and if you would like to attend the event:  

Dr. Rana Yıldırım, Çukurova University: ranayi@gmail.com
Esra Örsdemir, Çukurova University: Esraorsdemir@gmail.com
Ayşen Güven, British Council: Aysen.guven@britishcouncil.org.tr