
New and changing dynamics: How the global creative economy is evolving

New and Changing Dynamics: How the Global Creative Economy is Evolving, shows how the global creative economy is changing. Published in 2016, it is an updated companion to the 2010 Introduction to the Creative Economy. Edited by John Newbigin, OBE, chair of Creative England, it has sections about funding, finding your audience and much more.

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Nesta Creative Enterprise Toolkit  

If you’re a creative person who is looking to start your own business, then this guide can help. It is a practical resource to help you plan, build, test, communicate and launch your new creative business.

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How to set up and run a creative hub 

The Creative HubKit is a free toolkit for people looking to set up a hub, featuring examples of best practices, helpful advice, and tested approaches from some of the most successful hubs in the UK and Europe.

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How and why to run a hackathon for the cultural sector 

The Art of Hacking is an introductory guide to hack events for the cultural sector. It examines some of the main forms of culture hacks, offering advice on the potential benefits, the different approaches, and the creation of the right environment. 

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Creative Hubs: The Map and The Territory

ATÖLYE, Co-Founder Engiz Ayaz takes a look at the creative hubs scene in Istanbul -examining the definition of hubs, background, business models and structures. 

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Creative Hubs in Focus


ATÖLYE provides a creative and innovative foundation for its team and community of like-minded individuals to develop new collaborations and projects with long-term value. Find out more.


BiblioPera: Beyoglu Research Centers Network is a partnership project of 9 international research centres located in Beyoglu, Istanbul. Find out more.

Impact Hub Istanbul

Impact Hub Istanbul is a member-based co-working space and event venue that unites and empowers impact-driven individuals! Find out more.


It is a semi-public space where friends or neighbours are welcome to engage. There is no one running the space, no strictly-defined managers therefore there is no clear registration system. Find out more.


Sharing Economy; Design of a Behaviour 

Faruk Göksu; Co-founder of TAK and Vision Atelier

'When developing new economic models, we should understand that strong implementation happens when a strong behaviour is designed.' Read the article here.

The Importance of Collaborative Spaces 

Ass. Prof. Dr. Gökçe Dervişoğlu Okandan; Istanbul Bilgi University, Cultural Management Graduate Programme

'With the raising importance information technologies and emergence of connectedness, the term “co-creation” has become an important issue for innovation thus economic growth.' Read the article here.

Diminished Pleasures of Engagement and Experience  

Selçuk Artut; Academician, Sound and Interactive Designer, Musician

'Today people have an opportunity to choose and filter their information intake by their own decisions and preferences. As a consequence some groups treated themselves as makers that is a term became popular on describing making things without relying on mass production systems. So how does makers differentiate than the traditional craftspeople?' Read the article here.

Design and Pathos 

Koray Malhan; Brand and Design Director of Koleksiyon

'The creative faculty of the human mind sheds light on how we communicate through language, music, art and all our societal behaviour.' Read the article here.